
My name is Rob Clough, and I've been a comics critic and editor for over twenty years. I am offering "rent-a-critic" sessions for cartoonists and writers at all stages of their careers. Many cartoonists, especially those who are just out of art school and no longer have a reliable crew for critiques, often find themselves getting stuck or lost on their projects. Others might just want an experienced, unbiased eye on something they're working on. You might be just a beginner and looking for guidance. I can help in all of these areas and more, offering  constructive, supportive, and honest advice for your career as a cartoonist.

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“Rob saved my graphic memoir from the oblivion of self-doubt. But it’s more than that — I believe in it again. Thank you.” from nar juiceharp castle

“Talking to Rob was the best thing I did to make sure my newest book was looking its best -- his keen eye, knowledge and passion for comics is top notch.” from Em Sauter, Pints and Panels

"Rob Clough's feedback is thoughtful, concise, and VERY helpful. Basically, my comic is Popeye and he's a can of spinach." from Patrick Leonhard 

"Rob was an incredibly valuable reader and thinker. His response to my in-progress comic was invaluable and took me back to the kind of deep thinking about comics I've been missing since grad school. He's very good at both granular feedback and big-picture thinking." from Josh Kramer

"Rob was kind and friendly, and his advice was very clear and useful. I'm so glad I met with him." from Benny Green

"Rob Clough is one of the most thoughtful, generous comics critics of our times, and his Rent-A-Critic service is an invaluable resource for creators. Whether you're just starting out, in the middle of a long project, or feeling lost, Rob's insightful advice and years of experience in reading and thinking about comics will help yo better understand your craft and its place in the world." from Carl Antonowicz

"Rob provided essential feedback on two very different projects, reflecting his range and versatility as a critic. His detailed insights helped me address several key flaws in these works, and his effusive praise gave me the confidence I needed to complete the projects." from Andrew White

"Even your own mother won’t do as close a reading of your comic as Rob Clough will. I am immensely grateful for the two hours I spent virtually with Rob. He came fully prepared already having read the comics I sent him. He noticed everything - small details and big picture, ink line quality and story arcs, lettering and where my work fit in the bigger comics universe. The breadth of his comics history knowledge is astounding as is his knowledge of the comics biz. Rob is brilliant at his craft and generous with his gifts as a comics critic. Do yourself and your comics a favor and spend two cram-packed hours talking with this brilliant guy about your favorite subject - your comics." from Pam Wye

“Rob excels at getting to the how and why of what makes your story work and what doesn’t. His rent a critic service provides valuable insight into a creator's own work, helping them empathize with and comprehend their characters on a deeper level, as well as providing a greater understanding of the story as a whole.” from Ian Richardson

"If you're working on a project, need advice or if you just need someone to talk comics with, Rob Clough is the guy. He helped talk me through my book and several community ideas, and the two hours we spent talking were invaluable. He's thoughtful, experienced and his support for cartoonists throughout the years is a wonderful gift to the community. Thank you, Rob!" from Donna Almendrala

I’m so happy that I scheduled a consultation with Rob Clough to discuss my long-form graphic memoir. Just arranging our meeting pushed me to present my project in a clear way to someone new. During our call, Rob asked me important questions about my work and gave me solid advice about how to structure my project going forward. His deep knowledge of the graphic memoir genre helped me to understand my project from new perspectives." from Elise Dietrich

I offer these services

1. Editing. I have experience as a comics editor for Other magazine and just edited Fieldmouse Press' first book, Clutter (by Ariel Bordeaux). I can offer extensive notes and advice on your comic. That can range on advice on narrative flow, visual presentation, common pitfalls, and many other areas. 

2. Career advice. With an extensive knowledge of the alternative comics industry, I can offer advice regarding agents, publishers, and how to get your work out there. 

3. Portfolio reviews. I can go over a wide array of material and give you an evaluation of your strengths and weaknesses, as well as potential next steps.

4. Criticism. Beyond advice on what you're doing, I will also provide a critical breakdown of themes, characterization, cartooning and other storytelling devices. I have extremely broad tastes and can offer expertise in any number of genres. 

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