Tom's Fighting Focus: Get Seen Get Good
Get your work seen, and make it better as you go. This little course will show you how, and do it as you do it...
Get your work seen, and make it better as you go. This little course will shower you with love and ideas, and we will do it as you do it...
Getting good is about producing producing producing and getting better as you go. In public. Damn the torpedoes and damn the naysayers and give yourself a garden to grow.
Don't plan. Invent. Don't script, initiate.
Don't wait.
No dawdling, and no fear - who is it serving? Only those that want to keep you down.
In this course, we will rise.
I’ve spent 30 years getting seen and trying to get good. In this course I share everything I know!
Each week we'll make 5 creative choices, commit to them, and see them through.
Healthy social media habits for your project
Challenges for your characters and premise
Community and feedback to keep you getting better
My 25+ year story in some detail
Guidance and expertise about printing and publishing.
A plan for going forward
Informative and inspiring emails coming your way!
Available as part of Comics Flow
Week 1 -Invent a Premise
Week 1 - My history - Being Seen by Peers and Others
Week 2 - Going Deeper in Our World, A Second Character
Week 2 - Hashtags
Week 3 - A Larger Force
Week 3 - Show Sketches!
Week 4 - A Safe Place To Go Forward
Week 4 - Share with Others
Week 4 - Community
The Story of My First Strip.
On Publishing and Distribution Intro
Publishing - My Story - Mini-Comics
Publishing - My Story - Self- Publishing and Distributing
Publishing - My Story - Small Publishers and Being Seen
Publishing - My Story - An Agent, A Big Publisher and More Self-Publishing
Why is it called that?
Why is called Get Seen Get Good?
Because it's something I'm trying to do right now!!!
Even though I realized recently that I am very fortunate to have spent 30 years being constantly creative. I've never had my fire out. 🔥 🔥 I haven't always reached people, or hit constant highs, but I've always been engaged and it's always served me, and I count myself lucky and blessed.
I realized how it went was this:
Well, that's what I'm taking it to mean.
GET SEEN GET GOOD is a 4-week course designed to give you some steps in not worrying about getting good first (me too!), about showing your work (hello St. Austin Kleon) about saying HELLO, THIS IS WHO I AM, THIS IS WHAT I MAKE, and finding like-minded people (me too!).
Not strangers, not "the general public", but future friends. Your tribe.
This is what I did, and am trying to do, and I'll explain more when you join me!
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