Hone your craft

Are you working on an ongoing project? Need help starting or maintaining a sustainable and productive comics practice? Stuck in a vacuum and haunted by demons of doubt and the crushing fear that you might be wasting your time—no, your life?! Join the club! No, literally, join this club, and we’ll do it together! 

You’ll get personalized feedback and skill-building directly and practically related to your work—no one size fits all! We’ll focus on what you need us to focus on, but paying special attention to structure, composition, and clarity. Getting things to flow better, creating a more dynamic and readable comic, that one thing you’re tearing your hair out because you can’t figure out how to draw it—it’s all covered, and we’re here for it!

Slog through the hell with Hyena Hell

Monthly Study Group with Hyena Hell

CLASS COST: $99 to $150 USD sliding scale 


Wednesday 9am-11/11:30am Eastern time 

FIRST CLASS: Feb 14, 2024. Yes it's Valentine's Day and Ash Wednesday! That's how we do things!

Where: Online via Zoom | ZOOM link sent upon sign-up.

Who: For anyone interested in alternative comics 18+

Materials: Hyena will supply a recommended materials list prior to class but pencil/pen and paper are the only essentials.

Level: Intermediate. (This course is best suited for those with previous experience making comics).

Class will run as long as Hyena and the students want it to!

Monthly charge will recur until canceled by user at this link:



Available Course Archives

You'll have access to Hyena's course materials, meetings space and all meeting archives to keep you inspired.

    1. Live Comics Calls with Hyena Hell

    2. Zoom Archives

About this course

  • $125.00 / month
  • 2 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

Pricing options

SAW is committed to offering affordable courses. Pay what you can based on your income starting at $99. Yes, it's all the same course!


Instructor Bio:

Hyena Hell is a cartoonist, illustrator and sometimes-printmaker. Her comics have been published by Silver Sprocket, Tinto Press, Birdcage Bottom Books, and her own imprint, Horror Vacui Press.

Hyena Hell
