Icons & text

  • Icon & text

    Use an icon and text to communicate the value proposition and share the specific benefits of your offering. What makes it unique in your market?

  • Icon & text

    Use an icon and text to communicate the value proposition and share the specific benefits of your offering. What makes it unique in your market?

  • Icon & text

    Use an icon and text to communicate the value proposition and share the specific benefits of your offering. What makes it unique in your market?

Course curriculum

    1. VIDEO - Secrets of Visual Storytelling (01:03)

    2. Secrets of Visual Storytelling Objective

    3. SCREENCAST - Storytelling Techniques in Comics Journalism (14:38)

    4. PDF - Examples: Storytelling Techniques in Comics Journalism (30 Pages)

    5. ASSIGNMENT 3 - Choosing Strong Visual and Word Pairings

    1. VIDEO - Metaphor and Non-Obvious Imagery (02:02)

    2. Metaphor and Non-Obvious Imagery Objective

    3. PDF - Metaphor and Non-Obvious Imagery Examples (13 Pages)

    4. SCREENCAST - Metaphor and Non-Obvious Imagery Examples (12:00)

    5. ASSIGNMENT 4 - Making Your Own Visual Metaphor

    1. VIDEO - Planning the Unified Story Page (01:34)

    2. Planning the Unified Story Page Objective

    3. PDF - Planning the Unified Story Page PART ONE - Page 1 thru 5 - (5 Pages) (reuploaded 07/06/17)

    4. PDF - Planning the Unified Story Page PART TWO Pages 5 thru 8 (4 Pages) (reuploaded 07/06/17)

    5. SCREENCAST - Planning the Unified Story Page (14:12)

    6. ASSIGNMENT 5 - Planning Your Own Page

    1. VIDEO - Choosing a Topic and Homing In (02:21)

    2. Choosing a Topic and Homing In Objective

    3. SCREENCAST - Choosing a Topic and Homing In (21:20)

    4. PDF - Homing In (18 pages)

    5. Assignment 6 - Build One Scene

    1. VIDEO - Visual References and Details (02:29)

    2. Visual References and Details Objectives

    3. SCREENCAST - Visual References and Details (15:48)

    4. PDF - Visual References and Details (28 Pages)

    5. Assignment 7 - Highlight Your Details

    6. Assignment 8 - Ingredient List

    7. Assignment 9 - Visual References and Details

About this course

  • $199.00
  • 42 lessons
  • 2 hours of video content

Pricing options

Explain how different pricing options might be valuable to different segments of your audience.

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